A# Bug Report Status Page
The content of this page in no way reflects the opinions,
standards, or policy of the
United States Air Force Academy
or the United States government.
- 2006-05-15 (reported by rl). Created Flt but not initialized. Fixed.
- 2005-06-17 (reported by mcc). Unused code in System.Soft_Links
caused Ada .NET programs to mysteriously shut down. Fixed in src\lib\s-soflin.adb.
- 2005-05-31 (reported by rl). Ada.Direct_IO not working. Fixed
on 1 June 2005; however, Direct_IO and Sequential_IO are not well-tested.
- 2005-05-30 (reported by rl). Can't have variable names that are
.NET type names (e.g. Float32). Fixed on 31 May 2005.
- 2005-05-26 (reported by mk). Can't have field of record of type
Ada.Tags.Tag. Fixed on 26 May 2005.
- 2005-02-03 (reported by lc). Auto convert to .NET of string a&b&c
fails compilation. Fixed on 26 May 2005.
- 2004-04-08-1 (reported by mcc). Can't have more than 1 file open
simultaneously. Fixed in GNAT_libc.cs.
- 2003-12-06-1 (reported by rv). Simple tasking fixed. Fixed a
problem with Ada identifiers corresponding to a couple of MSIL reserved words.
Fixed multidimensional arrays of objects.
- 2003-01-29-1 (reported by mcc).
Ada.Exceptions.Raise_Exception(e'Identity,"message") incorrectly implemented.
Status: fix in testing (1/29/03).
- 2003-01-27-1 (reported by gjb). Arrays contained in records not
properly allocated if no record field has initialization. Status: fixed. Test files:
tests\guitare folder, especially bug200301271.adb
- 2003-01-20-1 (reported by gjb). Bug box when exception handler for
more than one exception contains a loop. Status: fixed in
jx_ch5.adb. Test file: tests\bug20030120a.adb. Updated status
(1/22/03): required rewrite of multiple exceptions using filters--
backed out fix in jx_ch5.adb and fixed in jx_ch11.adb. Test file: tests\guitare\commands.adb.
- 2002-12-03-1 (reported by mcc). Sparse case statements generated
incorrect MSIL code Status: fixed in jvm-msil_emit.adb. Test file:
- 2002-12-04-1 (reported by mcc). Can't use "assert" as a variable or
procedure name. Status: fixed in jvm-msil_emit.adb.
- 2002-12-04-2 (reported by mcc). MSIL2Ada incorrectly translated
"char" to "Character". Status: fixed in msil_spec.adb (msil2ada)--
now translates to "Wide_Character"
- 2002-12-05-1 (reported by mcc). MSIL2Ada doesn't translate valuetype
arrays correctly. Status: fixed in msil_spec.adb (msil2ada)-- see,
e.g. mssyst-drawing-graphics.ads